Prejudice, discrimination and unconscious bias

Prejudice, discrimination and unconscious bias: A keynote presentation at the 2018 BASPCAN congress by Kish Bhatti-Sinclair

Kish Bhatti-Sinclair
Kish Bhatti-Sinclair

Kish Bhatti-Sinclair, Reader in Social Policy and Social Work at the University of Chichester is the latest in our confirmed list of keynote speakers for the 2018 BASPCAN international child protection congress.

Kish is well known for her work on social work, race and racism. This includes research on the importance of border controls and information technology in the countries of the European Union, globalisation in relation to social work values and inter-professional working in a culturally appropriate way.  Kish has shown a particular interest in research methodologies sensitive to the needs of black and minority ethnic (BME) populations.  Kish has worked on a number of research projects evaluating social work practice and used theories such as modern racism to test discriminatory attitudes and behaviours.


Prejudice, discrimination and unconscious bias: is it time to rethink our approaches to the victims and perpetrators of child sexual exploitation?

Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) are often portrayed in popular media and some Government reports as working class, sexualised beings who are hard to reach and difficult to engage. Social workers and police officers are not pursuing cases for fear of being accused of racism.  There is a disproportionate reporting of Muslim men as sexual predators.  CSE is increasingly being located in areas with high Muslim populations.  The link between the exploitation of (mainly) young, white women victims to (mainly) Muslim men is adding to the fear, distrust and general anxiety about external threats such as immigration and terrorism.


Drawing on her own research on case data from the USA and UK, Kish will explore important themes in relation to how we respond to issues of race and racism in relation to child sexual exploitation.


This is just one of an inspiring collection of keynote talks planned for the 2018 BASPCAN international congress.

Registration for the congress is now open, and we are inviting abstracts from anyone wishing to present at the congress.

Take a look at our website where you can find out more about the congress, the exciting programme, and some of the ‘out of the box’ features which will make this a really worthwhile and inspiring time.