Breakfast in Tuscany


Waking on my birthday to a cloudless Tuscan sky, the streets of Prato silent and empty in the cool of the morning (and no cafés open for a cappuccino and croissant), I wandered up the river seeking peace and beauty. A couple of miles on, I found my spot: away from the slowly waking town, shared only with egrets and a heron. I sat on a rock in the cool shade as the river gushed past me and the sun climbed slowly over verdant hills.

You spread a feast before me.

I am so blessed: from the wonder and joy of being with Lois – a second chance at life and love; the pride I take in Esther and Joe; the fulfilment I find in my work; the excitement of stepping out into pastures new.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me.

Back in Coventry an exciting new start awaits – yes, it feels uncertain, a step in the dark. And yet, I feel a sense of peace and wholeness; an ability to trust; and a conviction that the journey is the right one.

You lead me to restful waters.


(and yes, I did eventually get my coffee and croissant!)

Prato Bridge

Counting my blessings: why is life so unfair?

Over the past few weeks I have once again been realising just how immensely privileged I am:



  • I have two quite amazing children who continue to be a source of love and pride
  • I have a really wonderful, loving wife with whom I can share this incredible life
  • I have a secure and enjoyable job which is meaningful and worthwhile, and which I truly love
  • I work with some inspiring colleagues who are passionate and committed to doing the best for children and families
  • I am extremely fortunate to know some exceptional friends, here in Coventry and around the world, who are prepared to stand up for what they believe – for truth, justice, peace and compassion – even when that brings criticism or personal hardship
  • I earn far more than I need, and have never had to experience the anxiety of not knowing where my next meal will come from, or how I am going to pay the next month’s bills
  • I am fit and healthy and able to enjoy the beauty of the world we live in, the joy of good companionship, and moments of peace and rest
  • I have never had to experience the terror of violence or abuse
  • Even in the awful grief of Helen’s death 4 years ago, and of my sister, Mei Ling before that, I have been surrounded by people who care for me and have held me through the difficult times


So, somehow, I have to live with the perplexity of why I have been so blessed while so many people, including some of my own friends have not been.

I pray that I may never take any of this for granted, as somehow being my right; that I will be able to enjoy and be grateful for the blessings I have received, while holding them lightly and in humility; and that perhaps in some small ways, I may be able to bless others too.
