Two Weeks in Quarantine: Day Fourteen

Yes – it has really happened. Today is day 14 of our quarantine. We have had our final checks, and now we are free to leave – to walk out of the hotel and go free. Without any of the restrictions of the past two weeks, or even those of the past 8½ months.

New Zealand is Covid-free. And – apart from its closed borders – life here is carrying on as normal.

Not so, sadly, in the UK which – as the vaccine is slowly rolled out – continues with its tiered restrictions. And, even when a majority of the population has been vaccinated, life will be very different, and certainly not a return to normal as we have known it.

For Lois and I these restrictions have hardly been more than a minor inconvenience, and I am – once again – aware of how privileged and blessed we are.

For so many people that is not the case. There are so many for whom the pandemic and the lockdown restrictions have brought, and continue to bring, hardship – bereavement, loneliness, loss of their livelihoods; financial struggles, anxiety and stress.

And so, as we walk out of our quarantine hotel, my prayer is – for all whose lives continue to be affected by the pandemic, the advent prayer:

‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;

On those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.’

May it be so.

Two Weeks in Quarantine: Day Thirteen

At the final climax of the powerful Motionhouse Dance, Captive, the dancers, till then trapped within the confines of their metal cage, are offered their freedom as the cage is lifted. The dance ends and you, the audience are left wondering whether they will take the freedom offered them, step out into the frightening beyond, or – like trapped animals or disempowered prisoners – stay within the ‘comfort’ of all that they have known.

Lois and I, for the past 13 days, trapped within the confines of our quarantine hotel, will tomorrow be offered our own freedom. Our swabs have come back negative. We will have completed the 336 hours required to show that we are Covid-free.

I am looking forward to getting out. To having the freedom to walk in the New Zealand countryside – to go where we like, to meet with others, eat and drink our own food, follow our own timetables.

And yet. There is a part of me that wonders – do I really want this time to end? I have got quite comfortable in our little routines here, having our meals delivered, not having to make decisions or fit in with other people. I have appreciated the time alone with Lois – we get on well together and enjoy each other’s company. We’ve played games, watched movies, read our Mma Ramotswe novel, savoured a bottle or two (or six or seven) of Kopiko Bay wines, even indulged in a bit of frivolous and wonderfully meaningless activity! And I have valued the opportunity to devote some time to my PhD and other academic work: reading books, writing papers, analysing results, thinking.

So another couple of weeks would be really nice – just think of all the other things I could achieve, the progress I could make.

I know there will be no hesitation on Lois’ part, but what about me: when I’m given my final certificate, and the hotel door is opened before me…

The leader of the free world?

Last week a reporter on the BBC news referred to the President of the United States as ‘the leader of the free world.’ The phrase was used somewhat derisively, but nevertheless, to my mind, betrays some fundamentally flawed assumptions that date back to its first use in the years following World War II, and, I suspect, remain quite widely held assumptions in many democratic, capitalist societies.


Assumption 1: Leadership is something conferred by virtue of position

I accept that the president of the United States, by virtue of his position, holds some leadership responsibilities within the United States. There are some things which only the incumbent of the White House can do. However, holding such responsibilities does not necessarily make that person a leader, and it certainly does not confer any leadership status beyond the United States. True leadership is earned, not conferred.

A leader is only a leader if others follow. And to achieve that the leader needs to be a person of integrity, vision, courage, compassion, and humility. To the extent that the president of the United States demonstrates any of those qualities, I would be prepared to attribute some leadership to them. Without such qualities, no matter what he, or anyone else, claims, he is not my leader nor a leader beyond those in his own country who have chosen to follow him.


Not the cry, but the flight of a wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow. —Chinese Proverb


The same would apply to whoever sits in the Oval Office, as indeed to any other head of state or other prominent person. Unless and until other nations, heads of state and individual citizens of the so called free world choose to follow the US president, he is not, and never can be, ‘the leader of the free world.’


Assumption 2: Leadership is conferred by size, power and wealth

While the issues around assumption 1 have been thrown into sharp relief by the character of the current incumbent of the White House, this assumption is far more subtle, and I suspect more widespread.

According to the World Bank, the United States of America has a population of just over 320 million, exceeded only, but quite substantially, by China and India. Its Gross Domestic Product is 18 trillion US dollars, over 60% larger than the next highest country (China), and greater than the whole of the European Union put together. In terms of military strength, the USA has 1,381,250 military personnel, again only exceeded by China and India, but closely followed by North Korea and the Russian Federation. According to the Arms Control Association ( the USA has 6,800 nuclear warheads, 45% of the world total and only exceeded by Russia.

So on population, wealth and military strength, the United States ranks within the top 3 countries of the world, and far exceeds all other countries in terms of its GDP.

But does that make it the leader of the free world?

Are size, wealth and military might really the values to which we look for our leadership?

Or, to put it another way, domination, greed and brutality?

It seems to me that, without even recognising it, we have bought into a mentality that assumes that might is right, whether that is in size, wealth or strength. And in doing so, we legitimize bullying and a disregard for the rights of others.


Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth – Jesus Christ

Assumption 3: We (those purportedly in the ‘free world’) determine who is and is not part of the ‘free world’

As far as I can tell, the concept of ‘the free world’ was introduced during the Second World War to refer to those countries fighting against the fascist ‘Axis’ powers (Germany, Italy and Japan). During the Cold War, the term shifted to refer to non-communist countries. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the free world refers to ‘those countries whose governments have been chosen in free and fair elections and whose people have full human rights.’

But who are we to determine which countries truly are or are not part of that ‘free’ world? Would that include a country with a democratically-elected communist government? Does it exclude countries where religious prerogatives determine the course of government?

Perhaps, though, one of the biggest difficulties with this assumption is the implication that all peoples living in our self-determined ‘free world’ are free and enjoy full human rights.

I wonder how many of those now to be denied health insurance would say they enjoy free and full human rights, or those 2 million or more incarcerated in US prisons, or the residents of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation?

And perhaps there is an even deeper, more subtle assumption here. Even without flagrant disregard for human rights, am I, in my country, surrounded by advertising, my choices controlled by corporate giants, constrained by a culture that values wealth and aggressive ambition, also truly free?



An alternative view of leadership

In an interesting twist of words in different contexts, the BBC made a policy decision to refer to the group that calls itself Islamic State as ‘So called Islamic State’. In a similar vein, perhaps the president of the United States could be referred to as the ‘so called leader of the so called free world.’

But rather than acquiesce even that far to these flawed assumptions, I would much rather see all of us thinking in terms of the whole world and all humanity, not just our own little, self-defined corner of it. And I want to be someone who helps create an alternative view of leadership: one that respects all those who truly embody values of integrity, compassion, justice and humility.

So how about a movement to identify those values we truly want to promote that will lead to all people being free? And how about starting with recognising and affirming those people in whom we do see those values?