BASPCAN Congress call for abstracts extended

It has been very encouraging over the past few weeks to see some excellent abstracts coming in for the BASPCAN 2018 child protection congress. We have seen synopses of some truly engaging research, personal stories, workshops and discussion forums, all of which promise to bring something inspiring to the congress.

Several people, however, have indicated that they would like to submit, but need more time to complete their abstracts.

In view of this, we have decided to extend our deadline for abstract submission to the 10th October.

So hurry and get your abstract submitted now: go to


If you have a good idea, some original research or innovative practice that you can present, or if you are able to draw on your own experience as a survivor of abuse or someone who has been involved with family support services, we invite you to submit an outline of your presentation.


Please log on to the congress website to submit your abstract. If you are having any difficulties, please contact our administrator, Hazel Cann at: