We make the road by walking

Who am I?

I thought about putting an ‘about me’ page on my website but then got stuck wondering what to put on it – how does one summarise in a few pithy sentences who one is?

I could define myself by my roles: what I do:

I am a retired paediatrician and emeritus professor of child health…

Or I could define myself by my relationships:

I am the child of Stephen and Peggy, father of Esther and Joe, husband of Lois…

Or my background and location:

I grew up in Hong Kong, trained in Bristol and now live in Coventry…

I could define myself by my status and privilege:

I am a white, heterosexual, male professional…

Or my faith and beliefs:

I seek to follow the life and teaching of Jesus and apply my faith to every aspect of my life…

All of which is true, but none of which comes near to capturing the fullness of who I am, or of who I am becoming. My background, life experiences, relationships and roles all have an influence as I continue on my journey. I could say that I am an ordinary human being, living a full life, with all its ups and downs, successes and failures; I am incredibly blessed and I hope to be a blessing to others. In these pages and through my blogs I will share something of my own journey, those relationships, and experiences. I hope by doing so, some of this might be an inspiration and blessing to others too.