A Prayer for the New Year

As we leave 2020 behind and enter the new year, I am very aware of the grief, loss, loneliness and struggle this past year has brought to so many people. Like all of us, I hope that 2021 will be better. I look forward in hope to a curtailing of this pandemic and the effective roll-out of the vaccines; I long for more consistent and compassionate political leadership, and for meaningful in-roads to tackling our global issues of prejudice, social inequalities, abuse and violence, climate change and the exploitation of our environment.

I recognise, though, that I cannot change any of this myself and that the only thing (person) I can change is me.

So, with that in mind, this is my prayer for the new year (with thanks to Pádraig Ó Tuama and Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community):

I begin this year with trust and hope:

Honouring this life that God has given

With all its potentials and possibilities;

Knowing I am created for loving encounter;

Knowing the year can hold love, joy, healing and forgiveness;

Beauty, truth and goodness.

I hold – but hold lightly – my hopes, plans and expectations.

I lay aside my need for affirmation and acclaim;

For power and control;

For comfort and security.

I make room for the unexpected –

May I find wisdom and life in the unexpected.

Help me to respond graciously to disappointment;

To hold tenderly those I encounter;

To be fully present –

To you, to your creation, to my fellow creatures,

To each present moment.

I resolve to live life in its fulness;

To welcome the people who will be part of my year;

To greet God in ordinary and hidden moments;

To love the life I am given.

(and if I express it as a prayer, rather than a new year’s resolution, then I can blame God if I don’t quite get there!)