Child Abuse Review Impact Factor

cover 24_1 I am delighted to report that we have just received news of the 2014 Thomson Reuters journal citation report, and the Impact Factor for Child Abuse Review has risen from 0.787 to 0.841. This represents the fourth successive rise and an increase of 51% from our 2011 Impact Factor. We are ranked 18 out of 40 journals in both the social work and family studies fields.

While the Impact Factor has its limitations, it does affirm that Child Abuse Review is increasingly being recognised as a high quality scientific journal publishing good papers which are being cited elsewhere.

Perhaps of more importance, though not reflected in the Impact Factor, the feedback we get from both researchers and practitioners is that Child Abuse Review is perceived as an accessible journal which is of relevance to front-line workers as well as academics, and the material we publish does impact on evidence-informed practice to protect children.