Growing up to be a child: a contemplative companion

In Growing up to be a child I have explored what Jesus might have meant when he invited each of us to become like a little child.  This is a radical and challenging invitation, one that calls us to a whole new process of development, one in which our heart and soul, and perhaps ultimately our body and mind too, will become all that our Creator intended them to be.

If we are going to take this challenge seriously, it surely cannot mean just reading about it, thinking how good and inspiring Jesus’ teaching is.  Jesus himself challenged us not just to hear his words, but also to put them into practice (Luke 6: 46-49).

But any authentic response to Jesus’ words has to stem from an encounter with the living God, the one who loves us as a child.

one candle 3


With that in mind, I am developing a contemplative companion to the book.  A simple structure will enable you to engage with each chapter of the book in a deeper way, seeking to meet with the Eternal, Loving God and explore in a more personal way what it really means to become like a little child.

I will be posting these chapter guides over the forthcoming weeks.

The first of them, Source, is now on the website: you can find it through the Growing up to be a child submenu, or by clicking directly on the link above.

I hope you find these companions helpful.  Please do feedback any comments or thoughts on how you have engaged with them, any insights or challenges you have found.

May our loving God bless you.
