Moving towards a fair, equal and Green Britain


It has been really exciting to be at the Green Party conference in Birmingham today. To witness the election of Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas as the new, job-sharing leaders of the party, and to hear an inspiring, hope-filled speech.

It is encouraging to see how far the Green Party has come over recent years, and how robust, just and forward-thinking their policies are.

Lucas and Bartley spoke of the rich heritage of the Quakers in the West Midlands and the Green revolution taking place today. Lucas BartleyThey spoke of the fear and divisions that have been stirred up by the recent referendum, of the destructive nature of unbridled capitalism, of inequalities and injustices. And they spoke of the Green policies that can counteract those: of social justice; inclusion; protecting workers’ rights; a Green Industrial Strategy; climate security; a radical redistribution of both wealth and power; and taking back control.


Green politics is about giving people real control – and that means looking forwards not backwards.  

Taking control of our democracy  

Taking control of our railways so they are owned by the public.  

Taking control of the NHS, and keeping it firmly out of private hands  

Taking control of our energy systems, our banking system, our schools, and our communities.  

They belong to all of us and the politics of hope will give all of us control. 

Caroline Lucas

One Reply to “Moving towards a fair, equal and Green Britain”

  1. Thanks for sharing Peter. Interesting & encouraging. Like so many I am trying to figure out what I want to align with now after all that has happened …. no such thing as a perfect party of course but looking for honesty, openness, sense of proportion, inclusive thinking and for those who will keep to promises. Having joint leaders may help them both to keep coming back to the principles they’ve outlined – 2 is better than 1 is very sound.

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