New Directions in Child Protection and Wellbeing

BASPCAN logoToday is the last day of the BASPCAN Congress.  Over the past three days I have had the privilege of meeting some awesome people from around the world – friends and colleagues old and new, united in one purpose: to make this world a better place for children.  We have heard some inspiring talks, considered new research, and discussed novel ideas.  It has been a really great congress.


While we may discuss and debate important policies and procedures, reflect on groundbreaking research, or consider different approaches to teaching or practice, what stands out to me is that what really makes a difference to children is individuals being themselves and doing what they care about: being passionate and compassionate; being present to children and families, empathetic, caring.  And it is that care that I’ve seen in peoples faces as I have wandered around the congress.  These 800 people, like me, want to make a difference.