The Association of Child Protection Professionals: 3 months’ free membership

I have had a lot of discussions recently with professionals worried about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown on children. It seems there are some real risks presented by the increased stresses and the enforced social isolation. Meanwhile, social workers, health professionals, police officers and teachers are all working really hard to try and support vulnerable children and families in really challenging circumstances.

So it is exciting that the Association of Child Protection Professionals is now offering 3 months’ free membership. By joining the Association you will be part of a network of practitioners and academics working to protect children and prevent the damaging effects of child abuse and neglect.

Over the years that I’ve been working in child protection, I’ve found the support of the Association to be really invaluable. And right now, they are delivering a great programme of podcasts, special interest groups, regular news and updates. And free access to the journal, Child Abuse Review, including a forthcoming special issue on abusive head trauma with a virtual conference on the 5th August.

Membership is open to practitioners and academics from all agencies and the voluntary sector, both in the UK and internationally.

If you are working in any way with vulnerable children and families, I’d really encourage you to take advantage of this.

Click here to find out more