Two Weeks in Quarantine: Day Thirteen

At the final climax of the powerful Motionhouse Dance, Captive, the dancers, till then trapped within the confines of their metal cage, are offered their freedom as the cage is lifted. The dance ends and you, the audience are left wondering whether they will take the freedom offered them, step out into the frightening beyond, or – like trapped animals or disempowered prisoners – stay within the ‘comfort’ of all that they have known.

Lois and I, for the past 13 days, trapped within the confines of our quarantine hotel, will tomorrow be offered our own freedom. Our swabs have come back negative. We will have completed the 336 hours required to show that we are Covid-free.

I am looking forward to getting out. To having the freedom to walk in the New Zealand countryside – to go where we like, to meet with others, eat and drink our own food, follow our own timetables.

And yet. There is a part of me that wonders – do I really want this time to end? I have got quite comfortable in our little routines here, having our meals delivered, not having to make decisions or fit in with other people. I have appreciated the time alone with Lois – we get on well together and enjoy each other’s company. We’ve played games, watched movies, read our Mma Ramotswe novel, savoured a bottle or two (or six or seven) of Kopiko Bay wines, even indulged in a bit of frivolous and wonderfully meaningless activity! And I have valued the opportunity to devote some time to my PhD and other academic work: reading books, writing papers, analysing results, thinking.

So another couple of weeks would be really nice – just think of all the other things I could achieve, the progress I could make.

I know there will be no hesitation on Lois’ part, but what about me: when I’m given my final certificate, and the hotel door is opened before me…